
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

That's right! It's time to take the day off from everything but football, parades and help out with the cooking and eating of massive amounts of great food.

But, while everyone is on the couch after that last piece of pie, let's think about some of the things we are truly thankful for.

I'll start us off...

Our families...sure we may not get along all the time but they are "our" family, quirks and all.

Our friends...I'd like to give a big Texas shout out to Sassy and Judy in Louisana and Mary up in Oregon. Having friends who understand what it is like to be a writer is a wonderful thing and at StoryCrafters there are some great friends. Some I'd be proud to call family.

Our get together, to make complete fools of ourselves, to come and go when and where we please. We take so many of these freedoms for granted so take a moment to think about them and say thanks.

Here are a few more things I'm thankful for...hubby that supports my writing and believes in me, reliable transportation (hate those car payments though), puters and the internet:--), thick socks, hot cocoa, milk chocolate and chocolate milk, kids that enjoy reading, finding escaped hamsters before the snake does, instant messaging, Long Ridge, StoryCrafters, pecan pie, bar-b-que and all the fixings...

I could go on and on...but you get the idea.

Tell us some of your favorite things and share the joy. Then go back for that second or third piece of pie:--)



Cheryl said...

My list would be similiar to yours in some ways, but the one that tops the list and is the one I am most thankful for is my family. I got an important reminder about how thankful I am for them when I received news that one of the elders from our church died in his sleep Tuesday night. He was not an old man, nor was he sick, so the congregation is shocked and saddened by the loss of a dear friend who leaves behind a wife and son, who is only a year older than my own.

I am also thankful for my writing buddies who help me to obtain my goals by encouraging me when I'm having a hard time and pushing me when I slack off.

And then there is more: hugs from my children after a long, hard day; an embrace from my husband to remind me how much he loves me; forgiveness from a friend or loved one when I have wronged him/her in some way; and the many freedoms I have been granted by living in the greatest county in the world.

Last, but definitely not least, I am thankful for my faith in God. It is a great source of comfort to know I never journey through life alone and that no matter what happens I can count of the Lord to pull me through it.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you too have been richly blessed.


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mikon said...

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mikon said...

Festival is coming in days and we have to get ready for the challenges we can have while celebrating the festival so our website must be ready to tackle the heavy traffic.

tinink said...

We love our traditions and our culture is full of those new intentions we are having in our minds so you need to look at here now for the purpose of understanding the new reasons to prolong the effect.

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